Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good Bye January

Last month is not a month I would like to repeat.  I was practically house bound and when not in pain, I was under the influence of heavy duty drugs.  Yes-they finally found a drug to knock me out and relieve the pain.  Therefore sewing was near impossible until about a week ago.  But the worst day of the month was when we took my kitty to the vet for the last time.

Rush was almost 18 years old and just recently started to show his age.  He started to lose weight and was always hungry; he was doing his business all over the house and was always sleeping.  He just was not happy.  I was not able to take him so Lauren took on the task.  She came home in tears but we still had a small laugh at the end:  Rush had never been a friendly cat and he really only liked me.  The nurse had to take him for a few minutes and when she picked him up, Rush tried to bite her.  He was his own boss right to the end.  I miss him terribly but I know he is in a better place.DSC01217
