Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And in Other Family News…

Four birthdays in April:  Adrienne, Lauren, Michael, and Dylan.


Lauren has moved into her own apartment AND bought a new car.  My husband and I are learning how to be a couple again.  To celebrate, we replaced the liner in the swimming pool and got a new dishwasher.  WooHoo!  And yes, the dishwasher is really that small.  Our kitchen only has space for an 18” dishwasher.

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Adrienne is growing a BIG baby.  She is due in just a few weeks and we are all getting very excited.  Did I tell you we all know what the sex is but Adrienne doesn’t?  Joe called and told us but Adrienne wants to be surprised.  Can you believe that none of us has spilled the beans?

Thanks to Katie, I have a garden in my front lawn.  She came over a few days before Mother’s Day and planted pansies and marigolds and some perennials (OK, I don’t know what they are!) and they look great.  She also babysits Buddy when I am at work.  I am lucky to have her living close by.

Next Post?  Some actual QUILTS!


Lauren said...

Yes I moved out and I miss you and Dad A LOT! I will be over later in the week... I LOVE YOU GUYS! (and my Buddy!)