Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something New


At least this is new to me.

Except for going to physical therapy and 2 doctor appointments, I have not been out of the house for 3 weeks.  I do my exercises, I finished my knitted shawl and today I actually did some sewing although standing to cut and iron was tough.  So I have been doing a little retail therapy on line.

No fabric though.  Last week I picked up some notions at Shoppers Rule and today I picked up this stuff on Amazon .com.  Has anyone used this before?  There were no reviews but  it does look interesting. I also picked up this book:


My back is not hurting as badly as before but I am still unable to walk without a limp and numbness in my left leg. My physical therapist says that if there is not marked improvement by Friday, she is going to recommend an MRI to my doctor.  She is thinking I might have a slipped or herniated disc.  My husband thinks I need traction and bed rest.  As if I am not crazy enough.