Monday, September 19, 2011


I have diagnosed myself as having CSS- Change of Season Syndrome. Symptoms include feeling really lazy, hating all my current clothing and having no desire to cook any meals (it is too hot for this and too cold for that).  Of course this means that nothing really creative has been happening in my house.

But I am glad to say that I am starting to come out of my lethargy. I love fall in Central New York.  The color changes that fall brings are a few weeks away but I already feel better. It is getting cooler and I am sleeping better.  I am actually sewing again and I plan to get out the afghan I started last winter. I am hoping that cooking will become less of a chore and I can start making my comfort foods again (but I am looking for recipes that are a little better for me; I am down 16 lbs so far!).

Yesterday I started on a fall lap quilt.  I just have to finish putting the borders on.  It is a rail fence-very simple but oh I love the colors!  I will post a picture when the top is done.

I will end this post with a few pictures:

Dylan found Michael’s old Halloween costume(sorry- it is a little blurry):


Michael drinking pepperoncini juice (don’t ask!):


My husband and Dylan chilling:
